Grafton Now Has A Theme Song! Your Town Thursday [AUDIO]
It took a little bit of coaxing to get the information, but we now have closure. Grafton, NY has now been added to the growing list of songs for YOUR TOWN THURSDAY!
First let me apologize to all of the folks that wrote in with information that I didn't see until AFTER the song was completed. The only info I concentrated on was sent by Michele Whalen, who did a fabulous job of keeping me informed, right til the end! Maybe I now have to write a sequel!
With that said, here is your completed song, folks.
If you'd like to see the first blog I did (which mentions the redneck tilt-a-whirl phenomenon that I never got to talk about in the song), please feel free!
Hope you enjoyed hearing this as much as I did writing it. Please leave comments below!