Galway Needs A Theme Song: Your Town Thursday [AUDIO]
Ever been to Galway? I have several times for the Readin', Writin', and Rhymin' program. Nice place! It has everything you'd need! Well, everything except a theme song! I'm here to help, but I could use your assistance too!
Galway is a nice village (town, hamlet-which is it?) in Saratoga County. According to Wikipedia, it had a population of a little more than 200 in the 2000 census! So what? I don't care if it's a city like Albany, or a "one horse town", I think everyone needs a catchy little jingle to advertise their town. Hopefully I can make this one a "toe tapper" so you'll remember this quaint little place. But I need some information!
.What does your town have going for it?
.Do you have a Mayor? What's his/her name?
. Funny stories about the town? Trivia?
. Send me photos too at
. Send me links to local businesses!
Here are some samples of past "Your Town Thursday" songs
Leave these and other comments below and I will get to work for next Thursday 's debut! Thanks in advance!