Joseph Henry Elementary School In Galway Singing About Summer – Reading, Writing and Rhyming [AUDIO]
Looks like we're wrapping up yet another school year. I can't believe it myself. Once again I have about 25 class appearances under my belt, and each one has been a blast. This was no exception - Joseph Henry Elementary in Galway
This was not my first rodeo. I've been to Galway before and it's always been a great experience with Ms. Sudyam's class. I'm always impressed with the elementary teachers around these parts. When I come in, she already had brainstormed some ideas for a "get ready for summer"song with the kids, and she even explained to them what a song parody was.
Here was the idea chart that they had completed before I arrived
So here's the big question - can a group of first graders take these little thoughts and write a song parody in less than an hour? If you asked me years ago I would have said "absolutely not", but after 16 years of doing this, I honestly think they are MORE creative than older kids. (Apologies to older kids)
Guess what song they wanted to parody? - RED SOLO CUP! I thought that was hysterical to begin with.
So here's what they came up with -and they finished it in less than a half an hour by the way.
mp3 version (right click on this, kids -and you can save it and put it into your iPods!)
Lyrics to "It's Summer Fun"
parody of "Red Solo Cup", by Toby Keith
It's summer fun, summer's begun - let's have a party, let's have a party,
Now summertime's good, and I am wishin'
That I could go swimming' and fishin'
Baseball, basketball, football, soccer, we would love to do that!
Pretty soon, we leave school and it would be cool to go to the pool
Camping, dirt bikes, riding 4 wheelers - we could even go to the beach
It's summer fun, summer's begun - let's have a party, let's have a party,
Mrs. Sudyam's first grade class -we're here in Galway, on WGNA
Special thanks to a great teacher and great bunch of kids. If you liked what you heard, please leave your comments below and congratulate these new singing stars.
P.S. The next time you're in a Hannaford Supermarket, thank them for allowing for this program to continue