Whitehall, NY’s Annual Sasquatch Calling Contest a Howling Good Time
Last year, disappointment filled the air of Washington County. Absent were the shrieks from Sasq-wannabees throughout Washington County when the annual Sasquatch Festival and Calling Contest was put on hold due to Covid.
But this year, the annual celebration of Sasquatch was back in Whitehall, NY, and some would say it was bigger and hairier than ever. With its return came roughly 50 participants ready to showcase their ability to roar like their favorite elusive beast during the annual Sasquatch Calling Contest.
On Saturday, thousands of squatchers from all over the country came to the self-proclaimed "Bigfoot Capital of the Northeast" to hang with other believers of the mythological beast that many say has perfected the art of social distancing. Many came for the food, live music, drinks, researchers, contests, and Bigfoot gifts in Skenesborough Park.
But the real show-stopper was the Sasquatch Calling Contest which had 50 participants - young and old - in an event watched by thousands.
According to Visit Whitehall NY, the winner of the adult division was a man named Grant Kennedy who took home aYeti tumbler and $100 bucks for first place. All kids who entered received a Stewart gift certificate as well as other prizes.
Check out the video from the contest below. It's about 9 minutes long, but if you wish to zip past the cute kid callers and get to the full-grown growlers, you should fast-forward to around the 3:30 mark of the video.
The winner of the contest, Grant Kennedy, appears at around the 7:10 mark, right after the women dressed in a forest cosplay costume, doing a lot of jumping and screaming - a lot of jumping and a lot of screaming.
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