Toddlers Scared Reaction To “Feisty Pet” Toy Goes Viral (WATCH)
Can your little kid take a joke? Some parents thought so and they went ahead and bought the toy that is cute and cuddly on the surface, but turns "feisty" with a little squeeze. And by feisty we mean, well, mean! Check out the latest toy craze that has the internet buzzing, parents laughing and some kids (slightly) terrified.
Feisty Pets are here and I love them. While I would love to see my 27 month old's reaction, I'm not quite sure I could bring myself to actually doing it. But I cant lie, I'm chuckling at the thought of what I think he might do. Ok, I'll admit it, I'm actually LAUGHING, I can't help it. The kids reaction in the video below is priceless to say the least, but don't worry. The boys mom assured us all that he he now loves the toy. Results, however, may vary.