
Toddlers Scared Reaction To “Feisty Pet” Toy Goes Viral (WATCH)
Toddlers Scared Reaction To “Feisty Pet” Toy Goes Viral (WATCH)
Toddlers Scared Reaction To “Feisty Pet” Toy Goes Viral (WATCH)
Can your little kid take a joke? Some parents thought so and they went ahead and bought the toy that is cute and cuddly on the surface, but turns "feisty" with a little squeeze. And by feisty we mean, well, mean!  Check out the latest toy craze that has the internet buzzing, parents laughing and some kids (slightly) terrified.
Morning Show ‘Doomed’ At Next Live Broadcast!
Morning Show ‘Doomed’ At Next Live Broadcast!
Morning Show ‘Doomed’ At Next Live Broadcast!
Wednesday morning Chrissy and I will be broadcasting live from the Great Escape  and Splashwater Kingdom from 6am-10am on Wednesday morning.  If by some chance you hear some screams, shouts, and the sound of someone crapping their pants, this may be the reason why: