Phil Vassar – The Interviews PLUS Brand New Hit! [AUDIO]
We have SO much Phil Vassar stuff from his visit on the morning show today that I decided to make a separate post with just the interviews, plus an added exclusive!
Here's our visit with Phil, broken up into several parts for your convenience.
I was messing around last night with some new words to "Just Another Day In Paradise" and came up with a little morning show intro that I envisioned Phil singing himself. I called Sean and got his opinion, and he said "Yea, sounds good as long as he agrees to do it!" I almost trashed the idea thinking that he might be too tired to sing at 7am having just performed the nite before. I guess we underestimated Phil once again!
I can't tell you what a thrill that was to hear him do that. Of course, that version may not sell any copies, but his brand new song will! Check out his website for information about his new hit "Let's Get Together" . And we certainly hope that we get together with him again. In fact ,we will - at the Taste Of Country Barbeque Finals in Saratoga on July 30th! Come join us !