Funny Highway Signs Try And Get Motorists To Focus
When you are on the road, especially when you are traveling for vacation or a summer road trip, you hope that other motorists are focusing on the roads and not texting or using their phones. Well another state has decided to be creative and funny with their highway signs in an effort to get drivers to focus. According to News Channel 13, if you are traveling through Maine, you will notice some clever and funny highway signs. It is being done in an effort to remind motorists to focus on the roads and to obey the laws of the road.
The Maine Department of Transportation asked people to come up with clever messages that they could post on highway signs. Two thousand residents responded and then six were chosen to be displayed for the next few weeks.
They rolled them out this holiday weekend. They included, "A Cold Suppah Is Bettah Thana Hot Ticket." "Spend Money on Lobstahs - Not Speeding Tickets." "Put Down UR Cell - Or You May End Up In One." and my favorite, "Get your head out of your APPS."