
Can You Turn Left on Red in New York State?
Can You Turn Left on Red in New York State?
Can You Turn Left on Red in New York State?
Is there an unwritten rule that I am unaware of? Because every time I'm at this red light in Dutchess County, people just dash right through it as if it isn't even there!
Drive Capital Region Roads By the Hour with CDTA's New Cars
Drive Capital Region Roads By the Hour with CDTA's New Cars
Drive Capital Region Roads By the Hour with CDTA's New Cars
Soon there will be another option to get around the Capital Region. This next venture for the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) is called Drive. This is a new ride-share program that will allow you to use a car in the Capital Region 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The program is slated to begin in May or June of this year with a fleet of 6 cars to start.
An Open Letter to the Beautiful Deer I See on my Morning Commute
An Open Letter to the Beautiful Deer I See on my Morning Commute
An Open Letter to the Beautiful Deer I See on my Morning Commute
I live in Mechanicville and I drive back roads and farm roads to get to work. Each morning, before dawn I see at least four or five deer in the fields as I pass through. Some of them are closer to the road than others. But I wanted to tell these beautiful animals that my lights are not enticing and not to jump out at my car.

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