An Albany Sinkhole That Just Won’t Go Away
If you have to venture through downtown Albany at any point, especially in the area of Madison Avenue and New Scotland, you're probably having the same feelings I have been: "When is this sinkhole gonna be fixed!?!"
I remember it popping up in the news a few weeks back and thought nothing of it. I guess I didn't realize the severity of it or sinkholes in general. I assumed it'd be a couple days of work and we'd be back to normal city living. Not the case.
I am in that area of Albany every Monday night for a trivia night that I host and was surprised on my way home to still see it all blocked off last night.
First appearing in late May, the sinkhole has caused quite the detours and traffic congestion. Work on the sinkhole that is about 20 feet deep and 20 feet wide is going on throughout the week, with the water department predicting they'll be working in it through Friday. For the surrounding Albany residents, for your sake, I hope this is true!