We all think that our own babies are the cutest, but here's your chance to nominate your little one to become the next Gerber baby. Here's how to enter.
I personally think that all babies are cute. But if you are a proud parent now is your chance to submit a photo of your baby to not only make them famous, but it could get you $50,000.
A few days ago, police said they were looking for a gang of thieves that were targeting daytime events throughout the Capital Region. Now they have surveillance footage of one of those thieves and need your help to find her.
A woman's photo of two employees at the raw cookie dough bar at Crossgates Mall called Dough Life has gone viral. In the picture, the two employees are seen not only sitting on the counter, but completely ignoring any potential customers while they have their heads buried in their phones.
Here we are all on a summer season high. Getting ready for all the vacations to come. If you're like me you might not be going far, but thankfully we are surrounded by some amazing places all within a couple hours of our beautiful Capital Region.
When you've been in the business this long you feel like you've probably seen just about everything.
I mean, I've done everything from the normal on-air broadcast to broadcasting live from a Subaru; I've had broadcasts where the only working microphone was the one in the laptop, I've had to record on-air breaks on my cell phone as a voice memo in the middle of a lightening storm and the list goes
The winter is depressing, lets be serious about that. For months and months and months, it's just cold and gloomy and blah. I need sunshine to smile and feel good. Anyone does, really. So, I'm so very glad that it's been better and better as the days go on.
There are plenty of things to look forward to but my favorite of all is softball season.
I don't live the country star kind of life which means, I don't see one of these coming to my home any time soon. But to be able to do what Jon Rich is currently would be so cool!
When you think of Nashville, what comes to mind?
I was reading a study done by AAA in which their results show that Millennials are the most distracted drivers. It said that the younger drivers tend to be on their cell phones most and are more likely to admit to speeding on residential roads.
The winds were monsoon-like, any moisture froze and we weren't expecting it, that's for sure. In a forecast that called for possible snow, waking up to nothing more than a windblown Capital Region was a nice sight, or so it seemed.