People Who Impersonate Prince William, Kate Middleton, and the Queen
There have been many people who have made a great deal of coin impersonating the rich and famous. (Just take a drive to Las Vegas and count the Elvises! ) Need any more proof? Well here's a new one for you-people that are dead ringers for William, Kate, and the Queen!Over at the The (which is an awesome newspaper for the Ipad), they have an article titled "Clones on Thrones". Very clever title, by the way. I wish I had thought of that! If you go there you will see these folks in the flesh. Personally, I think the Queen is a dead ringer, don't you?
You can check out the link above to see the entire video. It's hysterical. Don't you love impersonators? My favorite website for this kind of thing is
Now how we got from the royal family to Kenny Rogers in one blog is a little random, I admit. Or as we like to call it--my blog!
Who do you think is the best impersonator who ever lived? (actually, have you ever seen Jimmy Fallon?. Here's a clip of him from . He might be the best yet!) Now I'm talking about Jimmy Fallon! Never ask a morning radio person to write blogs at 9PM!