Level Bon Ton at Wilton Mall & Build Apartments? Not So Fast!
There has been a plan for Wilton Mall for quite some time. The first part of the plan is to level Bon Ton and start building luxury apartments. However, there has been some lasting resistance from a few.
What is The Plan?
Wilton Mall has been declining rapidly. The Bow Tie Cinemas closed during the pandemic. The Bon Ton has been shuttered since 2018 and one by one many stores have been closing. To make the mall worthwhile, the new owners are hoping to tear down the Bon Ton wing of the mall and build three hundred eighty-two luxury apartments and townhouses according to the Times Union.
But the plan is for more than just apartments. The hope is to continue to turn the Wilton Mall property into a mixed-use complex with shopping, restaurants, microbreweries, and access to the Wilton Wildlife Preserve and Park.
Who is Opposing The Project?
After the Planning Board approved the project in November, the project is being held up by the Wilton Town Board which is now asking for a public hearing. This is required for final approval.
What's Next?
The developers will ask the Wilton Town Planning Board to approve the project again. They will have to get approval based on zoning and planned development for the benefit of the public. Zoning would have to change from commercial to mixed.
The vice president of development of Macerich who owns Wilton Mall, Tawney Farmer said,
The change will fortify the mall. The mall property will still remain the same size at 680,000 square feet. We want to add full-menu restaurants and entertainment.
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