It always amazes me that first responders throw caution to the wind and go into a situation sometimes blind. Firefighters, EMTs and even police officers never know what kind of emergency they will be called upon to help.The other night in my neighborhood, a woman's dog had gotten loose. She was stuck in a creek behind my house in the dark of night. We could hear her yelping and splashing in the water and her owner calling her name. When I went out back to see if I could help, the woman said that her dog had done this before and she had to call the firemen to help her retrieve her dog.

Chrissy Cavotta
Chrissy Cavotta

Well she called the Cohoes EMTs and Firemen and they arrived very quickly. They didn't even hesitate. As I watched them do their work to get down the hill to the creek where the dog was, I thought about all of the situations they come upon. Of course they fight fires and help people get out of their cars in accidents, but in this predicament, they were rescuing a dog. Not life threatening, but so important and emotional for all of us that were there especially the owner.

Chrissy Cavotta
Chrissy Cavotta

They are amazing, think about it, they treat every situation as important as the next and every one of the calls they go on, they simply are there to help in any way they can. They were patient, helpful and ultimately saved this dog's life. In turn, we all felt, as they came back up the hill with the dog, that thank you wasn't enough, even in that situation.

So I will say it for all of us, thank you to all the first responders out there. They truly are the heroes.

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