Facebook Now Has A Phone, Plus Must Have Grocery Shopping Apps – Tech Talk [VIDEO]
Just when you thought there weren't enough cellphone choices out there comes a brand new contestant - the Facebook Phone
It's really called the HTC First, and it IS a first, for sure. According to the L.A. Times, although Facebook didn't make the phone, it will be pre-installed with it on there.
Instead of getting a home screen, you get a thing called a "Cover Feed", so the first thing you will see are your status updates and other people's pictures. According to the article
Facebook Home also comes with "Chat Heads," a feature that lets users chat with friends while using another app
it runs on Android, so this could possibly give that good old "iThing" a run for it's money. Here's a video explanation from the Zuckmeister.
The Snip Snap Shopping App Courtesy of Andrea the Discount Diva
Andrea, our very own penny pinchin' person on the Sean and Richie Show had a listener recommend this app called Snip Snap, so I thought I would investigate. It says it's the very first app that allows you to scan, save and redeem printed coupons right on your phone.
It doesn't seem to work with grocery store coupons YET, but they're working on that. But the idea of scanning coupons and having them on your phone is just awesome, huh? Here's how it works.
It's available for Android or the iPhone, by the way.