
Waiting For A Bus Can Be Fun [VIDEO]
Waiting For A Bus Can Be Fun [VIDEO]
Waiting For A Bus Can Be Fun [VIDEO]
It's never been an exciting way to spend your time in my experience.  I'm sure you will agree that waiting for a bus can be pretty boring.  Bring your iPod or something to read, right?  Not so fast.  Waiting for buses can be exciting and hysterical if you are in the right place at the right time.  Case in point...
Cell Phone Stealing
Cell Phone Stealing
Cell Phone Stealing
An Albany area cellphone store employee has been arrested after he stole a nude picture off of a customers phone - and texted it to himself. Colonie Police arrested the Verizon Wireless employee after the customer realized that the photo had been texted off of his phone.
Old Radio Shack Cell Phone Commercial [VIDEO]
Old Radio Shack Cell Phone Commercial [VIDEO]
Old Radio Shack Cell Phone Commercial [VIDEO]
I absolutely, positively LOVE the cell phone that I have right now.  This is not a commercial endorsement, by the way, although we do talk about the phone all the time on the air.  I'll leave it at that.  But no matter what brand you happen to own, you'll thank you're lucky stars that technology has progressed after seeing this old commercial...

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