Attention Trekkies! William Shatner, the original Captain Kirk from the legendary Star Trek Series, will be appearing in Ticonderoga as part of the "Star Trek Original Series Set Tour" in December.According to, William Shatner is expected to make himself available for photo ops and a Q and A session at the event set to take place December 7th and 8th in Ticonderoga, NY.

The story also details what Star Trek fans can expect while at the convention, and it's pretty cool if you're into it. According to the "Trek superfan James Cawley began the process of rebuilding the sets just as they would have been seen 50 years ago when the series was being filmed, a 14 year journey has culminated in the most accurate rebuild of the original sets, and is now open and welcoming STAR TREK fans from all over the world"



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