
Tom Brady's House for Sale: Take a Look Inside [PHOTOS]
Tom Brady's House for Sale: Take a Look Inside [PHOTOS]
Tom Brady's House for Sale: Take a Look Inside [PHOTOS]
Tom Brady has signed on for a couple more years with the New England Patriots and to celebrate, it looks like he's getting a new house. The realtor put pictures of the house up and it's probably your only chance to be inside the house of greatness.
Clifton Park Creeper Followed Couple Around Local Store
Clifton Park Creeper Followed Couple Around Local Store
Clifton Park Creeper Followed Couple Around Local Store
Someone following you around, standing right behind you, breathing heavy on your neck - these are things you expect to experience at a haunted house, but this couple encountered it at a store in Clifton Park.
Robber Stealing Flags from Local Cemetery
Robber Stealing Flags from Local Cemetery
Robber Stealing Flags from Local Cemetery
Without knowing this story, this title would make my blood boil but this may be the first (and only) time that I laugh about a robber stealing flags from a cemetery.
Parents Turning To Bulletproof School Items To Protect Kids
Parents Turning To Bulletproof School Items To Protect Kids
Parents Turning To Bulletproof School Items To Protect Kids
It's sad that it's come to this; bulletproof school supplies.  Parents and students alike are purchasing bulletproof backpacks and binder inserts as a form of protection against the horrific monsters that continue to terrorize our nation's schools.  A company from Springfield, Mass. says they've seen a large spike in sales since last weeks school shooting in Florida and while nothing can guarantee

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