We are really missing sports and I am missing cheering on my son, Ryan. Now there is a glimmer of hope that he may be playing baseball this summer. So I took him outside to do a few drills with him.
We are in day thirty-something of the lockdown and we are all missing sports. My son, Ryan, is a very active athlete and I am really missing him on the field. I also enjoy cheering him on. I have had to find other ways. This time we go fishing.
With all of this social distancing and my son, Ryan, not having any sports to cheer him on, I have resorted to everyday activities. Listen to this week's installment of Big League Chooch where I obnoxiously cheer on my family while making brownies.
I will admit that I am my son's biggest fan and I express it every week at his games. I am loud and proud when I cheer him on. I record myself and we play back my obnoxious rants on the sidelines in a segment we call, "Big League Chooch".
It was a rare weekend when Ryan didn't have any sports, so I and his Uncle Joey took him to the driving range. While his Uncle gave him instructions, I did what I always do, I cheered loudly at every swing of the club.
I will admit that I am my son's biggest fan and I express it every week at his games. I am loud and proud when I cheer him on. I record myself and we play back my obnoxious rants on the sidelines in a segment we call, "Big League Chooch".
It's now basketball season and my son Ryan is learning a new sport. He is on a CYO team and I go to all of his games. I am his biggest and loudest fan. So I get mic-ed up and record my obnoxious cheering. We call it "Big League Chooch".
I have to admit that I am the loudest fan at my son's baseball game. I like to keep it positive, but sometimes I am so loud, it comes across as obnoxious. That's why, during baseball season, I am known as "The Big League Chooch".