american red cross

One App to Add to Your Phone To Save Your Pet's Life
One App to Add to Your Phone To Save Your Pet's Life
One App to Add to Your Phone To Save Your Pet's Life
Pets are more than just animals, they're family members. Imagine being out and your dog is choking or your cat may have eaten something they shouldn't. Don't you wish you had one app on your phone that could help you know what to do.
Donate Blood, Get A Sweet Treat
Donate Blood, Get A Sweet Treat
Donate Blood, Get A Sweet Treat
There is a dire need for blood donations in the Capital Region. The American Red Cross has teamed once again to offer their "A Pint for A Pint" promotion. When you give blood, you get a sweet treat.
Red Cross Installing Smoke Detectors For Free
Red Cross Installing Smoke Detectors For Free
Red Cross Installing Smoke Detectors For Free
The American Red Cross volunteers will be knocking on doors throughout the Capital Region to install smoke detectors for those who need them. They are hoping they get a warmer reception by getting the word out sooner this year.
How We in NY Can Help Those In Las Vegas
How We in NY Can Help Those In Las Vegas
How We in NY Can Help Those In Las Vegas
I've been watching the news all day trying to figure out every detail, trying to figure out how someone could do this and even so many hours later I can't wrap my head around it.
More Local Help Heads To Puerto Rico
More Local Help Heads To Puerto Rico
More Local Help Heads To Puerto Rico
The American Red Cross has been helping all of those affected by all three hurricanes. Capital Region residents have been traveling to the affected areas and now more are being deployed to Puerto Rico.
More Boot Camps For Volunteers To Texas
More Boot Camps For Volunteers To Texas
More Boot Camps For Volunteers To Texas
With the devastation from Hurricane Harvey hitting Texas, the American Red Cross is looking for volunteers to head to the affected areas to help. Our local chapter, the American Red Cross of Eastern NY, is willing to train you.
Harrowing Harvey Photos From My Friend in Houston: Here's How to Help
Harrowing Harvey Photos From My Friend in Houston: Here's How to Help
Harrowing Harvey Photos From My Friend in Houston: Here's How to Help
Hurricane Harvey has devastated parts of Texas and even though it is a tropical storm, the rain is relentless and the flooding; catastrophic. My college friend, Ruth lives in Houston and she and her family are trying to stay positive under these extreme circumstances. There is something we can all do to help.

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