Rascal Flatts Explain Their ACM Lip Syncing Blunder
If you watched the ACMs, you couldn't help but notice that Rascal Flatts performed with a voice track. And while they made a tiny effort to "sing along" for the most part, they were pretty much just waving the microphones and guitars around for show.
I was disappointed as a fan of Rascal Flatts, and as a fan of country music! Part of the reason why I like this genre so much is because the singers are real, and they are really singing!
At the beginning of the broadcast, Bluke even joked, "If you want to see lip-syncing, go down the street and see Britney Spears!"
Or..... just wait an hour or so and one of the country music's most beloved acts will do it for you live!
This quote was on Rascal Flatt's official Facebook Page this morning...
What do you think? Were you disappointed? Do you care? Let me know!