Millions Of Facebook Users Exposed
If you noticed that you had to log into Facebook on all of your devices this weekend, it was because of a major attack on the social media network. Here's what it means for you. According to, Facebook claims that more than ninety million users had to log in again to all of their devices that they have their app loaded on and re-log in for security purposes. A feature of the social media company was hacked into by the attackers that could let them potentially take over the accounts.
Facebook has since turned off the feature known as the "View As" that the attackers compromised. They have no idea who the hackers are. You may have noticed that you were logged off all of your devices from Facebook. I was one of the fifty million that had to log in again. Good thing I keep my password in a safe place. I can't remember the last time I had to log into Facebook.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook is constantly battling attacks and hackers to try and keep Facebook users safe and information secure.