Kids Eat Free in Albany Area – Best Restaurant Deals
We are all on a budget these days, and that is especially the case if you have children. Although in theory it'd be great to avoid eating out, you need that family time away from the home and with our busy lives, it's just a necessity to eat out a couple of times a week. To help you save some cash, here are the best places around the Albany area where kids can eat free.
Cici's Pizza
Everyone loves pizza and that's all Cici's does! Food is free for children under three, all day long. The nearest Cici's is on Wolf Road in the shoppers plaza.
Holiday Inn
You do have to be a guest, so if you have family or friends coming from out of town, you may want to suggest this as a place to rest your head and ease your wallet - children eat free with a paying adult.
Even though the Wolf Road location closed, there have been rumors since that the chain will open a new location in Clifton Park, NY - we can only hope! If that comes to fruition, kids under 12 get to eat free from 4-9PM with a paying adult.
Golden Corral
We love a good buffett - and they are a great destination for a hungry bunch of people with different tastes and likes (you know, like a family) or dislikes. Up to two children, under 10, eat free from 5-9 PM
Moe's Southwest Grill
Welcome to Moe's - a little attitude, but in a good way because kids eat free all day with an adult purchase.
Macaroni Grill
Not a whole meal but just the best part - a free ice cream for the kids with a kids meal purchase.
TGI Friday's
Under three? Well, eat free - all day
It's not just for studying late nights while in college - grownups go too - and bring the kids, or at least two of them, who can eat free per adult purchase from 4 - 10 PM
Kids eat free all day, and if you bring the kids, depending on location, sometimes you can get a discount for your adult food too.
Pizza Hut
We all fondly remember Book-It, but some locations allow kids to eat free in the evening, without having to read a bunch of books.
Ponderosa Steakhouse
They're still in business- and if you happen to wander into one, kids eat free from 4P - close. There's one in Amsterdamn, NY, Herkimer, NY and another in Rutland, VT.
It should go without saying, but call ahead before heading into a restaurant to make sure that the kids eating free deal is still, well, free. Policies and promotions can change at anytime, so while we did our best to be accurate, things can always change! We hope you found this helpful! If we missed a location - drop us a note - we'd be happy to update out list.