Johnsonville Gets Their Very Own Theme Song -[VIDEO]
This one was about 3 weeks in the making. We've been just so busy traveling with the show to colleges and other places that I've had very little time to concentrate on Your Town Thursday songs. Time to get back to work!
I finally finished it! I hope it was worth your wait. I want to thank all the fine people from Facebook who wrote in with all your fine information. I also apologize for the fact that, try as I might, I can't ever seem to fit everything in the time allowed ( these songs are only supposed to be about 90 seconds tops - otherwise I get very severely scolded - cuz noone has time to hear a whole 3 minute ditty in the morning. I get that)
That being said, here is the song I came up with. I set my iPhone up -admittedly at a very unflattering angle - and captured this live as I sang it, warts and all. I even edited the whole thing right on my phone. Technology is so cool!
Here's the words that I'm laying down
about a little place that's a railroad town