Musical Salute To Latham, NY -Your Town Thursday [VIDEO]
OK, Latham. I have to hand it to you. You ruined my theory about writing these songs. Let me explain, and then I'll play you what I have for Latham, NY.
I was accustomed to thinking that you really can't ask people in big towns or cities to give me information about where they live, because you really don't know much about a suburb or bedroom community. You just sleep there and go to work or school and that's it. WRONG! You guys really stepped up, I must say, and I appreciate it greatly!
Thanks to all you "Facebookers" for all the great info. Now onto the song - or shall I say song parody. This is a takeoff on the song "Crushin' It", by Jake Owen. Enjoy!
There are a TON of other Your Town Thursday songs. Here is a link to the archives if you find other examples