Richie Celebrates 20 Years Of Reading, Writing and Rhyming
Yes, it's true. I did a little digging and found out that this little side project started in 1995, so -I did the math and it hit me. WOW it's been 2 decades writing ditties with kiddies.
First and foremost - a huge "Thank You" to so many teachers who've hung with me for annual visits. I hope it continues this year, but I'm taking new sign-ups with a little twist for 2015-16.
I would like to invite any instrumental music teachers out there in middle school classes to join the party here.
We could create a song and have kids join in with a few instruments so it's not just my keyboard on the recording. Here's a pretty extreme example -the Northeast String Orchestra summer camp. Kids played a classical tune and overdubbed new lyrics.
Hey, I'm not expecting anything THIS elaborate, but even joining in with kazoos and tambourines would be a ton of fun.
Interested? Please sign up here. You must be the classroom teacher, not a parent, to sign up. I will get back to you. Oh, and by the way, it's FREE.
Please email me at Richie@wgna with teacher's name, name of school, grade and class size- and contact email and I will get back to you with availabilities.