In honor of The USA I thought I would give you a quick list of some famous people who share our Nations' birthday!

David Joyner turns 49 today! Who's David Joyner? Really? He's the man in the purple dinosaur suit, BARNEY!


Geraldo Rivera turns 69. did you know his real name is Jerry Rivers?


Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino turns 28. I hate this man but Happy Birthday anyway.


George "The Boss" Steinbrenner would of been 82 (1930-2010) Say what you will the man was willing to do whatever it took to build a winner in New York. I didn't always love the man but Irespect him to this day.


Most importantly happy birthday America! Flawed or not you're my home and I love you! Where else in the world does this happen?!



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