Bethany Linderman’s Birthday Song – Write A Song Wednesday [VIDEO]
It's our very own Bethany's birthday today, and that quickly became the subject of this week's Write A Song Wednesday.
She's been with us for over a year now, and an awesome addition. It's tough breaking in to the "men's locker room" that was our show for so long. We definitely needed the female perspective (hey, I can only cover that role for so long)
The words that had to be included in the song were:
FABULOUS, BUBBLY, BLUNT, GREGARIOUS, and OPINIONATED. The style that Bethany chose for me to use was something that sounds something like the New Kids On The Block. Sorry - I don't have a lot of their albums. I had to fake this the best I could in the time allotted (one hour). Here's what I came up with.
Some folks say she's fabulous
Others say gregarious
it's not bad to be up front
She's Bethany and she's real blunt
She's tough she's tough
she's bubbly that's times 3
Three times as bubbly as Sean and me
Getting up this early can be rough
She's a mother and a wife
and she puts up with us
She's tough she's tough
No need to repeat it's already been stated
She admits she's opinionated
Moving from Florida, you gotta be sick
You're still young but it'll make you old quick