It was just a LITTLE BIT uncomfortable trying to catch some shut eye during our camping excursion outside of the Crossgates Mall.  It was supposed to be.  We wanted to "rough it".  But I didn't realize how rough it could get, so I decided to chronicle what I went through for you


10 PM 8/31-  We pitch the tents.  (Well, Levack did, actually.  I forgot how)


Sean And Richie Camping outside Crossgates Mall

12 Midnight -   After a very long and rewarding day,  we turn in for the night.  But of course, I had to make it complicated.  I decided to sleep in a chaise lounge.  It was a tough fit in the tent, but with careful placement and with my background as a former contortionist, I made it work:

richie in chair in tent

9/1  1:37am- Still wide awake.  I was fairly comfortable, but there was one slight problem.  The neon sign of the Standard Restaurant was blaring thru my tent window, and I was too lazy to get up and put that thing on that covers the tent windows in case of rain.   (It also tends to block a little thing called oxygen)

Standard Restaurant sign in tent window

3:30-3:47am -  total extent of my deep sleep.

3:48-3:50-  Various states of attempted slumber, interrupted many times by the sound of the street sweeping machine in the huge parking lot (can't blame them though.  They've never had to deal with mall campers before)

5:30am     Up and at-em!  Show starts at 6:00am.  I thought I would get a head start on the mall walkers, so I took a stroll (and I mean SLOW  stroll) up to the food court to wash up in the men's room)

5:45am    I pack up all the camping gear (well, actually  Sean and station photographer Nick Lee do it.  I don't know how to do that either)

tent stuff packed up

6:00am   Back on the air for yet another rollicking Sean and Richie Show .  Thanks to the listener who brought  Go Fast and 5 Hour Energy drinks over to "stimulate" us. I didn't try them, so I can't make a judgement as to their effectiveness.

Go Fast, 5 Hour Energy Drink

In all seriousness, it was an amazing experience, and would do it again if asked.  But I'm renting a motor home!

Richie, Levack, and Sean

PS. If you missed the slide show from the event, I'm including a link to a former blog.

What was the craziest thing you've ever done?  Just wondering.  Leave me a comment!

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