You Will Pay More For National Grid, But For Different Reasons
A few weeks ago, National Grid announced that there would be a rate hike coming next Spring because they want to make customer communications and information more secure. Well now there is another increase proposed for different reasons and it's significant.The new National Grid rate increase has to do with securing the infrastructure of the lines throughout the Capital Region. They state that it would be an enormous undertaking and require a lot of man power. National Grid put in a request to increase delivery charges for electricity by 17.5 percent and gas by 20.5 percent. That seems like a huge increase.
The company said it's not only about the investment, but the overhaul and the upkeep of the infrastructure. The percentage isn't a done deal. There will be negotiations to regulate the percentage. However, a rate hike will begin in March of 2018.
National Grid also said that they will work with low income families to come up with a program to manage the higher costs.