Watch Chrissy’s Mom Make a Saratoga Sunrise
My mom is hoping, as we all are, that things start to open up in and around the Capital Region. It looks as if it is slowly happening this week. It was also announced that the Saratoga Race Course will be opening on time. It's just that there will be no crowds allowed. In memory of having a drink at the track, my mom makes a Saratoga Sunrise. My mom has been in lockdown for way too long if you ask her. She has been passing the time in quarantine by mixing up some of her favorite alcoholic drinks. When she heard that they would be reopening the Malta Drive-in and possibly the track, she thought it was time to create a drink to honor her days at the Saratoga Race Course.
I can remember growing up and we would always try and go to breakfast at the Saratoga Race Course. My mom and Nana would always order a Saratoga Sunrise and it would come in a pretty glass with a sunset on it. You were allowed to take those home too. I remember having a few in our cabinet. Those were great memories.
My mom , Nancy, has made at least a dozen drinks since she has been in lockdown. Check out her other videos of Chocolate Cherry Martinis, Fuzzy Navels, Mai Tais, and more. She takes requests too. If there is a drink that you would like my mom to make, just email me chrissy@wgna.com.

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