Ahhh.  Now THAT got your attention, didn't it?  Amazing how the word free will turn anyone's head these days, especially when it comes to free home ownership.  There's only one minor requirement (see blog for details-some restrictions apply)

There's a company called Adzookie that's made an offer to pay your mortgage .  But you have to plaster their ads all over your abode for a certain amount of time:

According to them:

--You have to sign up for a minimum of three months and can extend the offer for up to a year.  When your contract ends they repaint your house to its original color . . . and stop making your mortgage payments.

So again, this is for a limited time only.  Would you like to see what your house would look like if you went with this fantastic deal?

Do you know they've gotten over 1000 people signing up for this?  At first upon seeing this, I burst out laughing.   Upon second thought, it shows how desperate things are  getting these days.  (Wow.  There goes the neighborhood!  Talk about an Extreme Exterior Home Makeover!!!)

BTW - if anyone out there would like to paint their house with the WGNA logo (more specifically, the Sean and Richie logo), I am including it here so you can copy it.

sean and richie 10th logo

(Heck, if you really want to do this,  we'd appreciate it,  but we're not paying your   mortgage!!)

Actually, please forget the whole thing.  I'm just joking around.   This is what happens when you get no sleep and write early blogs!!  Have a great day.

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