
Winter Hacks Using Household Items
Winter Hacks Using Household Items
Winter Hacks Using Household Items
Like it or not, winter has come early. With the first snowfall upon us, here are a few winter hacks that you can do with household items to make your car ready for the cold and snow.
The Meteorologists Were Wrong And All Hell Broke Loose
The Meteorologists Were Wrong And All Hell Broke Loose
The Meteorologists Were Wrong And All Hell Broke Loose
Let's face it, we all make mistakes...but this one was pretty bad.  All day yesterday we knew there was the potential for some larger snow totals in the hill towns, but I was under the impression that Albany, Schenectady, and Troy was more than likely going to get a little bit of snow, maybe some rain, no biggie. I say this with respect to the men and women who generally do a good job of predictin

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