
$300 For a Backpack? These Girls Are Nuts.
$300 For a Backpack? These Girls Are Nuts.
$300 For a Backpack? These Girls Are Nuts.
I've never been someone who "needed" a name brand. You won't find me dolled out in Gucci or Louis Vuitton - in fact, I just had to double check the spelling on both of those because I shop, like the normal, average person where my bank account allows: Target.
People Are Outraged Over Kenneth Whites Aunt Starting Go Fund Me Page
People Are Outraged Over Kenneth Whites Aunt Starting Go Fund Me Page
People Are Outraged Over Kenneth Whites Aunt Starting Go Fund Me Page
In December of 2014 the Capital Region was on the hunt for 5 year old, Kenneth White in a mass Amber Alert that turned to immense disappointment. White's 19 year old cousin, Tiffany Van Alstyne was arrested and then confessed to choking him to death and left his body outside, covering him with snow. Now, almost two years later, her mother has started a Go Fund Me Page asking for assistance. Read M
You Helped a 1-Year Old Get His Service Dog – Update [PICS]
You Helped a 1-Year Old Get His Service Dog – Update [PICS]
You Helped a 1-Year Old Get His Service Dog – Update [PICS]
Grayson was diagnosed with juvenile type 1 diabetes (t1d) at just 13-months old. His mama started noticing changes in behavior, constant thirst, as well as tremors and seizure like space outs. All of this led to doctor appointment,  after emergency room stop, after hospital visit and an eventual diagnosis. But, how can you know when a baby who can barely say "hi" isn't feeling "norm

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