
2024 is YOUR Year to Win the Lottery in NY
2024 is YOUR Year to Win the Lottery in NY
2024 is YOUR Year to Win the Lottery in NY
I don't make the rules. I just know that despite those pesky "odds", somebody that plays the lottery if going to win it. Thems the rules. So why not you? The trick here is, you have to be in alignment with the frequency of actually having what you claim you want. What does that even mean? Keep reading...
Topic Roulette: The True Key to Happiness
Topic Roulette: The True Key to Happiness
Topic Roulette: The True Key to Happiness
This morning you voted during topic roulette and you picked my topic! Thanks guys! The topic was.... the true key to happiness in your life! A new study found that when people participated in nudist activities it made them more satisfied with their bodies and that led to them being more satisfied and happy with their lives overall...
As Heard on the Sean & Bethany Show: 15 Ways to Be Happy
As Heard on the Sean & Bethany Show: 15 Ways to Be Happy
As Heard on the Sean & Bethany Show: 15 Ways to Be Happy
This week, about 50% of American are pretty pissed off.  The other 50% are pissed off at the first 50%... bottom line, we all could use a little bit of happiness! So, I found a blog that claims to contain 15 things one needs to do in order to be truly happy...
Battle the Saddest Day of the Year With These Quick Tips You Can Do At Work
Battle the Saddest Day of the Year With These Quick Tips You Can Do At Work
Battle the Saddest Day of the Year With These Quick Tips You Can Do At Work
This week is, according to experts, the most depressing week of the year.  But, we are trying to help!  Here's a quick list of things you can do while you're at work or home on the couch that will, no doubt, make you feel better! 1. Make a gratitude list - write down 3 things you are grateful for today...
Turns Out Money CAN Buy You Happiness, No Matter What your Budget Is – Here’s How…
Turns Out Money CAN Buy You Happiness, No Matter What your Budget Is – Here’s How…
Turns Out Money CAN Buy You Happiness, No Matter What your Budget Is – Here’s How…
I think we could all find ways to argue with that old saying "money can't buy happiness" but now science is doing it for us. While it very well be true that in general having money doesn't make you happy and in fact can sometimes make you downright miserable there are specific ways in which it can.
31 Things That Make You Feel Great
31 Things That Make You Feel Great
31 Things That Make You Feel Great
1. Falling in love Butterflies in your belly, a constant smile on your face, anticipation, excitement - nothing beats it! 2. Laughing so hard your face hurts Those moments when you and your friends are laughing so hard your cheeks are in pain...
What Makes You Happy?
What Makes You Happy?
What Makes You Happy?
Many people have the skills to avoid excessive anxiety and depression, but that is not the same skill has learning how to lead a happy and meaningful life.  What makes truly happy people different from everyone else?  And, if you think you are already a happy person, how many of the following personality traits describe you?
Thanksgiving Is Good For Your Health, With One Small Catch
Thanksgiving Is Good For Your Health, With One Small Catch
Thanksgiving Is Good For Your Health, With One Small Catch
Thanksgiving is good for you. "Wait just one garsh darn minute there, Sean. How in the world can feeding your pie hole all day long with turkey and stuffing and gravy and yes, even pie be healthy? How can laying around and drinking beer and falling asleep while watching football with your pants open be healthy? You, Sir, are a mad man!!" Ok, you got that off your chest, you feel better n
The Happiest Guy In America Is Chinese, Jewish, and Lives In Hawaii
The Happiest Guy In America Is Chinese, Jewish, and Lives In Hawaii
The Happiest Guy In America Is Chinese, Jewish, and Lives In Hawaii
Today on the Sean and Richie Show we talked to alot of frustrated people.  People frustrated with the economy, the way government is being run locally and nationally.  Lord knows there's alot of unhappiness in the world.  So I went looking for someone out there who was actually happy.  And I think we found the HAPPIEST of all!: