
This Heart Wrenching Plea From A Local Mom To Assemblyman Lopez Should Be Heard By Us All
This Heart Wrenching Plea From A Local Mom To Assemblyman Lopez Should Be Heard By Us All
This Heart Wrenching Plea From A Local Mom To Assemblyman Lopez Should Be Heard By Us All
Tonight a listener forwarded to me a letter written by a mother in Selkirk to her local Assemblyman pleading for help with her disabled son. I read the letter and felt so much empathy for what this woman has endured and wanted so much to both help and just give her a hug. After reading the letter I wrote back to the listener who reached out to me and said, "This story is heart breaking but I
Help Me Help Bethany – Time Is Running Out For Her Woman Of The Year Campaign
Help Me Help Bethany – Time Is Running Out For Her Woman Of The Year Campaign
Help Me Help Bethany – Time Is Running Out For Her Woman Of The Year Campaign
Listen, I don't ask for favors too much so please understand this is very important to me. My friend and co-host Bethany is trying to raise money to fight blood cancers and become this year's Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's "Woman of the year". Believe me the title is not why she is doing this but I personally think she DESERVES it. When the People from LLS and management here at WGNA
A Thank You To Students At Middleburgh High
A Thank You To Students At Middleburgh High
A Thank You To Students At Middleburgh High
"The young people today just don't care about anyone but themselves. These kids have a sense of entitlement that will bring the country to it's knees." These are the kind of comments you see these days about our youth. I'm not here to argue the merits of such statements, but I would say that if you want to see good in the world you just have to look for it. Unfortunately it can be hard t
This Local Mom Deserves An Adult Make A Wish – Here Is Her Story
This Local Mom Deserves An Adult Make A Wish – Here Is Her Story
This Local Mom Deserves An Adult Make A Wish – Here Is Her Story
I love Make A Wish, I think getting kids with terminal illness a final wish is an amazing idea, but I have often wondered why we couldn't do it for adults too. I guess it comes down to the fact that there are unfortunately too many adults who are facing terminal disease. This story though of a Mom and her one desire kind of made me want to help. What this family is asking for monetarily is just no
Can Your Company’s Team Of 20 People Pull A Plane The Fastest In The Capital Region? – Here Is How To Sign Up
Can Your Company’s Team Of 20 People Pull A Plane The Fastest In The Capital Region? – Here Is How To Sign Up
Can Your Company’s Team Of 20 People Pull A Plane The Fastest In The Capital Region? – Here Is How To Sign Up
I saw this on my Twiiter feed this morning and thought it looked really cool. On May 14, you can put a team together for an airplane pulling competition in Glenville and it all supports our military. You just need to get 19 other coworkers to do it with you and enter with just $450 which comes out to $22.50 a person.
It’s Friday So You Need Some Firefighters Holding Puppies
It’s Friday So You Need Some Firefighters Holding Puppies
It’s Friday So You Need Some Firefighters Holding Puppies
Every year some philanthropic firefighters in Australia pose for a calendar to sell for charity. Since 1993 proceeds of the hottest calendar down under have benefited the Children's Hospital Foundation and the Westmead Children's Hospital's burn unit to the tune of over $1 million...
My Friend, Baby Grayson Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes: How You Can Help
My Friend, Baby Grayson Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes: How You Can Help
My Friend, Baby Grayson Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes: How You Can Help
He's learning how to walk. He can say a handful of words including his favorite word, "cracker." He brings smiles everywhere he goes. And he's learning how to control his blood sugar. He only turned one year old in February. His name is Grayson and he has Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes.
Man Gives His Shirt To Homeless Man On The Subway – A Must See Moment Of Humanity
Man Gives His Shirt To Homeless Man On The Subway – A Must See Moment Of Humanity
Man Gives His Shirt To Homeless Man On The Subway – A Must See Moment Of Humanity
You know when I write these blogs or share a story or video, I like to try to give my opinion or reaction to what you are about to see. I try to perhaps help put into words the lesson I feel is behind the images or notice some small funny aspect that maybe you don't get to see the first time you watch. With this video I just feel that any words or thoughts or even emotional reaction I could add wo

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