capital region

All the Concerts Coming to the Area that You Need to Know About
All the Concerts Coming to the Area that You Need to Know About
All the Concerts Coming to the Area that You Need to Know About
Our iPods are never jus strictly one genre, right? We love all types of music. Even my iPod goes from The Jackson 5 to Keith Urban to Justin Bieber to Eminem. If you're a music lover, you embrace true talent especially when it comes through the Capital Region. And boy, do we have a number of shows coming in 2017!
Salt Den In Latham Said To Be Where To Go For Respitory Health Help
Salt Den In Latham Said To Be Where To Go For Respitory Health Help
Salt Den In Latham Said To Be Where To Go For Respitory Health Help
Allergies? Yeah, I've got those. Badly, actually. People usually express after the third or fourth, "God Bless You," that they're done blessing me. It's cool. I'm used to it. In fact, I typically tell them not to bother after the first one because some days, there might be 15 sneezes coming my way at any given moment.
WOW – Watch the Wellington Hotel Implosion in Albany From 2014 – Amazing To Witness [VIDEO]
WOW – Watch the Wellington Hotel Implosion in Albany From 2014 – Amazing To Witness [VIDEO]
WOW – Watch the Wellington Hotel Implosion in Albany From 2014 – Amazing To Witness [VIDEO]
The 100-year old Wellington Hotel had sat vacant in downtown Albany for years and in order to get rid of an eye sore and also utilize the space it held in a more useful manner, it had to go. So, in August of 2014, the city of Albany got rid of it. They didn't just get rid of it though, they did it with some pizzazz!
What Do We Need in the 518?
What Do We Need in the 518?
What Do We Need in the 518?
Reddit is one of my favorite websites. It's probably the first website I check out every day to see what's trending online, especially the local subreddits. I like to know locally what everyone is talking about and with Uber and Lyft coming to New York/the Capital Region in July, it's not a surprise that it's a topic on the local front page.
Local City Named One of Best Biggest Little Cities
Local City Named One of Best Biggest Little Cities
Local City Named One of Best Biggest Little Cities
When you ask people who aren't from this country to name some of cities we have in the US, I'm sure you're going to hear the big ones: New York City, Los Angeles, Orlando but it's rare that they'll come up with Albany or even this city, named one of the Biggest Little Cities by
National Pet Day, Not Just A Day To Love Your Pet
National Pet Day, Not Just A Day To Love Your Pet
National Pet Day, Not Just A Day To Love Your Pet
I absolutely love my dog Freddie and in honor of National Pet Day, I would like to give him a huge shout out. But National Pet Day isn't just for loving all pets, it's actually a way to help out local shelters and give a little extra love to those animals that need some extra attention.
New York Says, “Tuition Free Is the Way to Be!” – Do You Agree?
New York Says, “Tuition Free Is the Way to Be!” – Do You Agree?
New York Says, “Tuition Free Is the Way to Be!” – Do You Agree?
Hey New York, it looks like we're about to be the only station going tuition free! So how could this affect you? Well, the Excelsior Scholarship, as they're calling it states that if you're a family that makes under $125,000 a year (which, um, is a lot of us, no?) then your student could be heading to a 4-year college tuition free!

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