
Person that Stole Car With 2-Year Old Inside Found
Person that Stole Car With 2-Year Old Inside Found
Person that Stole Car With 2-Year Old Inside Found
They say kids will be kids but it's unfortunate when a kid's being a kid and it affects another kid in the process, I kid you not. Tuesday morning I reported that a car had been stolen in Albany with a 2-year old still in the backseat. Everyone was able to take a sigh of relief because the car was found
Car Stolen With 2-Year Old Inside This Morning In Albany [PHOTO]
Car Stolen With 2-Year Old Inside This Morning In Albany [PHOTO]
Car Stolen With 2-Year Old Inside This Morning In Albany [PHOTO]
There will be instant shame on the Mom from the public when I say that she left her 2-year old in the car while she ran into the store quick. Sure, it may have been a common occurrence when I was growing up in the 80's, but these days? It's a big no-no.
Local Center Helps UAlbany Student with Immigration Trouble
Local Center Helps UAlbany Student with Immigration Trouble
Local Center Helps UAlbany Student with Immigration Trouble
I understand that emotions are very high right now and to some it could be rightfully so. Trumps orders to ban immigration has a lot of people citizens and immigrants worried about what the future may bring. Especially, to a nation that already seems so divided.

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