
Fly In A World War II Plane [PHOTO]
Fly In A World War II Plane [PHOTO]
Fly In A World War II Plane [PHOTO]
My twelve year old nephew, Carter, loves everything World War II. He knows all of the rich history, the types of ammunition and guns used, and the types of planes they flew. If you have someone like this in your life, they aren't going to want to miss this amazing visit to the Capital Region.
These 2 Capital Region Cities Made a List of Highest Robbery Rates in Upstate
These 2 Capital Region Cities Made a List of Highest Robbery Rates in Upstate
These 2 Capital Region Cities Made a List of Highest Robbery Rates in Upstate
Yesterday, I told you which of our beautiful cities/towns were considered the safest in the state. Today, lets get to the highest crime rate! Okay, I shouldn't sound so excited about that. The exclamation point was maybe the wrong choice of punctuation given the subject at hand. But, still, lets get to the facts.
Missing  Dog FOUND After Fires Strike Albany Last Night
Missing Dog FOUND After Fires Strike Albany Last Night
Missing Dog FOUND After Fires Strike Albany Last Night
As I was driving home from trivia last night in downtown Albany, it was hard not to notice the billowing smoke in the dark evening sky. That's how I knew just how bad it truly was. You can typically see just anything in a sky that dark. But, last night, that smoke couldn't be missed as fires broke out on Madison Avenue.
Google and Apple in the Capital Region! [PHOTO]
Google and Apple in the Capital Region! [PHOTO]
Google and Apple in the Capital Region! [PHOTO]
I'm a tech nerd so bear with me. I'm the type of person who watches every Apple Keynote live, I know the new specifications of products coming out, and if there's an app that's gaining popularity I have to try it. So imagine my excitement when I saw Apple and Google in person!
Do You Feel Unsafe In Albany?
Do You Feel Unsafe In Albany?
Do You Feel Unsafe In Albany?
Crime is on the rise in Albany and business owners and some residents will tell you that safety is becoming a big problem in our capital city.  I've lived in Albany the majority of my life and I rarely, if ever, feel threatened.  Clearly though, I'm in the minority. Does Albany feel unsafe to you?
The Ultimate 4th of July Country Playlist Must Haves
The Ultimate 4th of July Country Playlist Must Haves
The Ultimate 4th of July Country Playlist Must Haves
Chances are you've been celebrating all through the weekend, it's leaking into Monday, which may or may not be a "sick" day for you to lead into the actual 4th of July. But, while some just throw the radio on and hope for the best, or put their iPod on shuffle or let Pandora work its magic, wouldn't you rather have the ultimate Country Music Independence Day playlist?

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