Fly In A World War II Plane [PHOTO]
My twelve year old nephew, Carter, loves everything World War II. He knows all of the rich history, the types of ammunition and guns used, and the types of planes they flew. If you have someone like this in your life, they aren't going to want to miss this amazing visit to the Capital Region. The plane is nicknamed "Sentimental Journey" and is a restored World War II B-17 bomber. As part of a 50 city stop in the United States and Canada, the bomber will be stopping for a week in Plattsburgh and at The Albany International Airport. It is all of the "Flying Legends of Victory Tour" out of the Airbase Arizona Museum. Volunteer Commemorative Air Force members from the museum will give tours and answer questions. There is also an option to fly on the aircraft. Depending on where you would like to sit on board, the prices range from $425 to $850.
As I'm sure my nephew could tell me, this bomber was used as a dependable weapon during World War II because it could withstand extensive battle damage and still fly.
The B-17 will be at the Albany International Airport from August 21st through August 27th.