Scam Alert: Bogus Tax Department Calls Hit Albany Area
No one likes a telemarketer call. But, what about a call that seems to be from the New York State tax department saying you owe money?
Even worse, you might believe it because the phone number that is popping up on your caller ID is a New York State tax department number!
Tax officials are saying that these numbers that the scammers are utilizing are numbers that are only used for incoming calls and are not used for purposes of mass calls.
Commissioner Jerry Boone has said that people posing as department representatives are raising some tax issues and saying that payments must be paid via iTunes gift cards or other debit card forms of payment. That alone should be the dead giveaway, but there are people that believe it's legitimate.
If you see these phone numbers pop up on your caller ID: 518-457-5181 or 518-457-0578, ignore what the caller has to say and call this number instead: 518-457-5434 to confirm your tax status.