Road Rage in Wilton: Man Shot While Toddler Sits in Backseat
An area couple was arrested after police responded to a dangerous road rage incident in the Town of Wilton on Wednesday night. According to the Saratoga County Sherriff's, the offending couple were traveling with their two-year-old son when the escalating altercation occurred.
CBS News reported the story out of the Town of Wilton where road rage between two vehicles escalated to the point where a man got out of his vehicle and shot another man with a rifle while the mother of his child and his two-year-old son were still inside the vehicle.

According to the Saratoga County Sheriff's Office, the incident occurred on Wednesday night near Ballard Road, by the Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park. That's when, according to the report, Shawn Bultman took out a 12-gauge shotgun and fired at the unnamed victim in the abdomen and lower leg area after what police are calling road rage between the two cars.
The victim was taken to Albany Medical Center and appears to have sustained non life-threatening injuries.
Making matters worse, sheriff's say the couple's two-year-old son was in the backseat at the time and thankfully he was unharmed in the melee. The child, according to the Saratoga County Sheriff's report, was turned over by deputies to Wilton EMS.
According to the source, Bultman was arrested and charged with second-degree assault, criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment, and endangering the welfare of a child.
Gina Kolakovic, the mother of the young boy and a passenger inside the vehicle, was arrested and charged with endangering the welfare of the child according to the report.
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