Live Without Your Smartphone For 1 Year To Score $100,000
Think you could live without your smartphone for 365 days? Vitaminwater will give you $100,000 if you can!
This could quite possibly be the greatest test of will power ever presented to modern man! According to a News 10 story, Vitaminwater is putting $100,000 up for grabs for one person who can live without there smartphone for a full year.
Here's how the News 10 story says it works if you want to toss your hat in the ring. To get in the running, tweet or post to Instagram with the hashtag #nophoneforayear and #contest, with an explanation of how you would spend your smartphone-less 365 days. Vitaminwater will choose one person to do the contest for a year. The contestant will be given an older cell phone that can make calls and text, and will receive a lie detector test to see if they actual refrained from smartphone usage Not using one includes borrowing one - it's a no-no according to the rules! If they make it 6 months, they win $10,000 and they'll get the full $100,000 if they make it a year.
Do you think you could do it? I think it's doable. Everyone has their price to make a sacrifice, and & 100k is more than enough for me to lose the phone for a year, especially if I could still call and text friends and family. Plus, no one said you can't check Facebook, Twitter and Insta on your computer, right????
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