In Case You Need Another Reason To Shop Target [PIC]
If you are like most of us, there is no way you can shop at Target and not be in and out of there for just a few things in a few minutes. Now Target is giving you another reason to shop. This time it's wine. Target is introducing new wine products ranging from five dollars to seventeen dollars. According to, Target is releasing a wine line called "The Collection". There are five varieties of wine that will be in stores on March 3rd. They will also release a five dollar Sauvignon Blanc too part of the California Roots collection.
The Collection has five classic wines including Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, a red wine blend, rose and Pinot Grigio. Each bottle is just $9.99. There are new wine cube cans with flavors bubbles rose and bubbles white wine. They are just eleven dollars per pack.
Target will also be adding Crook & Marker spiked seltzers that are going to be sold for nine dollars and seventeen dollars per pack.
All of these products may not be available at all Target stores. After March 3rd, you may want to check with your local Target to see if they are in stock.