It's Friday, and we both know it has been a long week, right?  So now your sitting in your cubicle and watching the clock crawl slowly to quitting time.  Well I have something that may pass a little bit of that time for you.

Some of you have already seen this but I know many of you haven't.  It's a translator that will translate things you write, or even translate an entire web page. To show you how it works, I will translate everything I have written so far into a couple of different themes. First, lets try "redneck":

It's friday, an' we both knows it has been a long week, right? So now yer sittin' in yer cubicle an' watchin' th' clock crawl slowly t'quittin' time. Wal ah have sumpin thet may pass a li'l bit of thet time fo' yo'.

Some of yo' haf already see this hyar but ah knows menny of yo' ain't. It's a translato' thet will translate thin's yo' write, o' even translate an intire web page. To show yo' how it wawks, ah will translate ev'rythin' ah have writ so far into a couple of diffrunt themes.

Now let's try "Elmer Fudd":

It's fwiday, and we bof know it has been a wong week, wight? So now youw sitting in youw cubicwe and watching the cwock cwaww swowwy to qwitting time. Weww I have something that may pass a wittwe bit of that time fow you.

Some of you have awweady seen this but I know many of you haven't. It's a twanswatow that wiww twanswate things you wwite, ow even twanswate an entiwe web page. To show you how it wowks, I wiww twanswate evewything I have wwitten so faw into a coupwe of diffewent themes. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

Good times right?  You can also do this for a web page. I'll try the WGNA site in "Jive:


Now if you want to have some fun with this all you have to do is click on the Rinkworks website.  If nothing else, it may make your Friday go by a little quicker.

God Bless.

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