These blogs are a vehicle for us, the members of the Sean and Richie Show to share with you our personal points of view and maybe get a bit personal once in awhile.  This is a good example.  Hell, at this age, I've got nothing to hide!

Alot of people won't admit it.  Especially guys.  But I was convinced to go for  it about a year ago.  I fought it at first but once I found out that so many men do it without me even realizing it, I decided to give it a shot.  In fact, I'll give a plug to the person who convinced me.  It was Chuck Hoorwitz, longtime owner of  Chaz Salon on Central Ave in Colonie. (This is funny -while I'm typing this in the WGNA studio, I glanced over to our TV which is tuned to YNN, and there were was a politician  they were interviewing who had " jet black shoe polish hair". )

randy travis

I'm going out on a limb, but I think that Randy colors his hair.  Can't be sure, but I'm pretty darn certain.

Tim McGraw

(come on, Tim.  That's not even your hair, and if it was, it woiuldn't be that color!)


Paul McCartney

(Call me crazy, but I think this guy does too)

Anyway, it made me realize that it's pretty common these days.  And Chuck makes sure that he leaves enough gray to make it natural.  Although I  have no problem writing about this, I'm not going to take a picture of myself.  That's pretty obnoxious.  But I did write a poem for my morning compadres who usually rib me about it as soon as I walk into the room.  Because this time they didn't notice it at all!

So if you're looking to give it a try, I heartily recommend Chaz's hair Salon.  Give them a try (he'll make sure noone notices!)

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