Cuomo Outlines New School Bus Safety Regulations
More than anything, we just want our kids to be safe. Apparently, there are some people who don't understand the rules of a school bus and Cuomo is hoping these regulations will may them clearer.
Spectrum News is reporting that the Shenendehowa Central School District noticed that police officers have been handing out too many tickets when it comes to school bus regulations. Apparently, they handed out as many as seven tickets in one week for people to passed a school bus while the "Stop" arm was down - and that doesn't count the ones that got away!
The Shen district must not be alone because Governor Andrew Cuomo is announcing new proposals to increase safety for the students. As part of the 2020 budget, he's hoping to add stop-arm cameras, higher fines for those who do pass a stopped school bus, as well as the requirement for students to wear their seatbelts while on the bus.
Last year, during Operation Safe Stop, more than 850 people were ticketed for passing a stopped school bus. This year, it will be held on May 2.