Cringeworthy: Teens Post Snapchat Vid Putting A Baby In Fridge (Video)
Finish this sentence: "If this ever happened to my child I would________" Well let's hope and pray that it never does happen because the fate of these two teens probably wouldn't be very pleasant. The teens, seen laughing in the video, put the crying baby in the fridge and posted a Snapchat video all as the infant's mother was showering.
The Danvers, MA teens (one of which is the infants aunt) have been charged but their names haven't be revealed because of their age. According to CNN, mom made these comments regarding the idiotic and potentially harmful behavior, "I know she wouldn't hurt my daughter and that wasn't her intentions. I think it was all foolishness, stupidity," the baby's mother said. "I will no longer be leaving my children with my niece or her friends again ever in my life."
It's unclear from the video how long the baby was inside the appliance but officials say the baby did not suffer any injuries.