Chrissy Tries to ‘Blend in’ by Obnoxiously Cheering at Son’s Game [AUDIO]
I can't help it, I love watching my son, Ryan, play baseball. Yes, I am one of those parents who gets loud on the sidelines. I am not yelling at the umps or shouting negative things, I am just cheering loudly for Ryan and the kids on his team. I mic myself up so you can all enjoy my musings. We call it "Big League Chooch."
Brian always gives me a hard time because he thinks I am loud and obnoxious with what I shout out at Ryan's games. He says he hates it, but I think he secretly loves it. This week, I try to explain to Brian that I blend in at the games, and most of the time, no one really hears me cheer. He doesn't believe me and compares me to an animal in the wild. Take a listen to this week's "Big League Chooch".
I know each time there is a game the other baseball moms appreciate my humor, passion, and witty things I shout out. They love when I cheer on their kids. I have given some of the kids' nicknames and now everyone calls the kids by their new nicknames.
Each week at Ryan's games, no matter what the sport, I am the loudest and proudest mom cheering on the sidelines. At times it may be obnoxious and too loud, but I don't care because I am always giving positive reinforcement as I cheer. I am always mic-ed up too so you can all hear how loudly I yell and become the "Big League Chooch".