National News

Iconic Gum Now Has Women On The Package
Iconic Gum Now Has Women On The Package
Iconic Gum Now Has Women On The Package
I grew up chewing this gum all of the time when I played sports. I never really thought of the packaging that only featured cartoon drawn men. Now the company has repackaged their product to feature women.
Chrissy's Favorite 80's Crime Show Getting Reboot
Chrissy's Favorite 80's Crime Show Getting Reboot
Chrissy's Favorite 80's Crime Show Getting Reboot
Every Saturday night in the 80's, we would gather around the TV to watch our favorite crime show. It centered around real life stories and it asked for the public's help. Now it is getting a reboot with new crimes to solve.
Cheesecake Factory Introduces At Home Dessert
Cheesecake Factory Introduces At Home Dessert
Cheesecake Factory Introduces At Home Dessert
Who doesn't love Cheesecake Factory cheesecake? We all know we can also get them in our grocery store freezer section. Well now they are diving into another dessert with a little cheesecake flair.
Buy A Beer For Workers Affected By Gov't Shutdown
Buy A Beer For Workers Affected By Gov't Shutdown
Buy A Beer For Workers Affected By Gov't Shutdown
It is a stressful time for government workers in the U.S. Because of the partial government shutdown, thousands of workers are either not working at all or working without a paycheck. Here's a way you can help.
New NY Law Finally Makes It Easier For Dads
New NY Law Finally Makes It Easier For Dads
New NY Law Finally Makes It Easier For Dads
I never knew that it was more difficult for Dads to bring their kids out to public places. Their concerns have been addressed and now the state has introduced a new law to ensure it will be better for Dads.

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